Falconers LLP represented Nishnawbe Aski Nation and Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto as parties with standing at the Inquiry into the Pediatric Forensic Pathology in Ontario. Commissioner Goudge concluded that coroners do not attend deaths in First Nations communities. Often, families who have lost children in First Nations communities never hear from coroners about the cause of their child’s death or about the location of their child’s remains, and there has been a systematic failure by the Office of the Chief Coroner to deliver services to First Nations communities.
“Now that the truth has come out, it is time for action,” NAN/ALST Coalition lawyer Julian Falconer said. “For far too long First Nations communities have been denied services the rest of this province takes for granted. Commissioner Goudge has taken an important step in recognizing that the Province of Ontario must work in partnership with First Nation governments to fix this problem.”
Related Documents
Inquiry Into Pediatric Forensic Pathology in Ontario Report: