This joint inquest examined the circumstances surrounding the deaths of seven First Nations youth who died under similar circumstances while attending school in Thunder Bay: Reggie Bushie, Jethro Anderson, Jordan Wabasse, Kyle Morriseau, Curran Strang, Paul Panacheese, and Robyn Harper.

The Inquest into the Death of Seven First Nations Youth was originally an inquest into the loss of only one of these students, Reggie Bushie. However, his inquest was stalled in 2008, due to concerns regarding the lack of First Nations representation on jury rolls. NAN legally pursued this issue to the Court of Appeal, and politically advocated for solutions with the Ontario government. In response, Justice Frank Iacobucci was appointed to review the issue of First Nations representation on jury rolls.

The Iacobucci Report, and the resulting Iacobucci Implementation Committee, Debwewin, took up the views of the First Nations community members who had requested a way to volunteer for Coroner’s Inquest juries. Ontario passed a regulation to allow First Nations people living on reserve to volunteer, and the Volunteer Jury Initiative began.

While this work on jury composition was occurring, in May 2012, NAN wrote to the Chief Coroner with an application to hold a Joint Inquest into the Deaths of all Seven Youths.  This application was granted, and NAN applied for standing at this Joint Inquest.

In April, a hearing was held with regard to the scope of the Inquest. Nishnawbe Aski Nation, represented by lawyers Julian Falconer and Meaghan Daniel, was in attendance at the hearing to argue that the scope should be expanded to include issues such as the racism faced by the youth, treaty and constitutional obligations held by the Federal government, and the quality of the Thunder Bay Police Service’s investigation into their disappearances.

The Inquest commenced on October 5, 2015, and is the first inquest to go forward using the First Nations volunteer juror list. Lawyers Julian Falconer, Julian Roy, and Meaghan Daniel of Falconers LLP appeared on behalf of Nishnawbe Aski Nation, the political territorial organization representing the youths’ communities of origin.


Related Documents

Media Release: Jethro Anderson    Thunder Bay Police, November 11, 2000
Media Release: Reggie Bushie    Thunder Bay Police, November 2, 2007

Agreed Statement of Facts

Transcript of October 6, 2015 Testimony of Woodall/Rose

Joint Slate of Recommendations Proposed to Jury by Counsel

Joint Slate Agreement-Position of Parties

Chart From Counsel Regarding Answers to the Five Questions


NAN’s Application to Hold a Joint Inquest into the Deaths of all Seven Youths   May 11, 2012
NAN’s Application for Standing at Joint Inquest into the Deaths of Seven First Nations Youth   June 7, 2013

Letter to Dr. Eden from Falconer Charney LLP   March 6, 2008

Closing Submissions

Click here to watch the Closing Submissions of Nishnawbe Aski Nation

Universal failure led to deaths of students at centre of inquest  TB News Watch, May 26, 2016
Hoping to stop tragedies  The Chronicle Journal, May 27, 2016
First Nations student safety in Thunder Bay. 9 things inquest lawyers agree on  CBC, May 27, 2016


Submissions of the Families and NAN to Expand the Scope of the Inquest   February 17, 2015
Notice of Application for Judicial Review of the Scope Ruling  June 5, 2015
Dr. Eden’s Scope Ruling   April 14, 2015


Coroner’s Press Releases

Coroner’s Press Release: Location Announced for Inquest into the Deaths of Seven First Nations Youths  September 30, 2015
Coroner’s Press Release: Inquest Date into the Deaths of Seven First Nations Youth Announced   September 16, 2015

History of the Proceedings

Inquest into the Death of Reggie Bushie is stalled by jury concerns:

Court of Appeal Ruling Regarding First Nations Representation on Inquest Juries   March 10, 2011
Press Release Announcing Justice Iacobucci’s Review of First Nations Representation on the Jury Roll   August 11, 2011

Iacobucci Report: First Nations Representation on Ontario Juries   February, 2013
Ontario Passes Regulation to Allow First Nations Volunteers for Inquest Juries   December 12, 2014

For more information about the Volunteer Jury Initiative, click here.

In the News

A glimpse into the lives and issues surrounding the deaths of 7 Indigenous students in Thunder Bay   APTN National News, September 30, 2015

Seven native youth left for high school and never returned: Finally, an inquest  Toronto Star, September 17, 2015

NAN requesting inquest examine quality of policing, impact of racism  TBNewswatch, April 14, 2015

NAN Pushes for Inclusion of Racism and Quality of Police Investigation in Inquest Scope  Nationtalk, April 14, 2015

NAN lawyer officially asks for expanded scope for inquest into death of Aboriginal students   TBNewswatch, April 14, 2015

NAN calls for inquiry into teen deaths   April 15, 2011

NAN calls for Commission of Inquiry into the deaths of seven NAN youth in Thunder Bay   Canada Newswire, September 12, 2011


Related Cases

Nishnawbe Aski Nation v. Eden

Iacobucci Jury Roll Review and Volunteer Jury Initiative



Case Team