March 10, 2015 – Operation Invite: Red Rock and Long Lake #58

A team from Nishnawbe Aski Nation, supported by lawyers Julian Roy and Akosua Matthews from Falconers LLP, is traveling to conduct community visits in Red Rock First Nation and Long Lake #58 First Nation, providing information about Coroners Inquest jurie...

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March 9, 2015 – Wind-Farm Costs Submissions

Four rural Ontario families appealed decisions of the ERT on constitutional grounds. Three multi-billion dollar wind companies sought to recover legal costs in the amount of approximately $340, 000 from the Drennan, Dixon, Ryan, and Kroeplin families.  T...

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January 19, 2015 – Drennan, Dixon-Ryan & Kroeplin Wind Farm Appeals

January 19, 2015- Drennan, Dixon-Ryan & Kroeplin Wind Farm Appeals The Drennan, Dixon-Ryan, and Kroeplin Appellants are seeking leave to appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeal on the constitutionality of the government’s approval process for wind...

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January 12, 2015 – Mississauga Firefighters Get Their Day in Court

January 12, 2015- Mississauga Firefighters Get Their Day in Court Today, Falconers LLP lawyers Julian Falconer, Julian Roy and Asha James appeared on behalf of 10 Firefighters who are disputing their forced retirement without any provision for accommodati...

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January 11, 2015 – Iacobucci Report Implementation Committee

January 11, 2015- Iacobucci Report Implementation Committee Meets in Kenora, Ontario on January 13-15, 2015 The Attorney General’s Implementation Committee is holding a two-day meeting in Kenora, Ontario from January 13-15, 2015, in respect of the ...

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September 8, 2014- Angel Sue Larkman v. The Attorney General of Canada

On Monday, September 8, 2014, Falconers LLP represented Angel Sue Larkman before the Federal Court of Appeal.  At issue is whether Ms. Larkman should be granted Indian status. This case arises from the legacy of “enfranchisement”, an antiquated polic...

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June, 2014- Julian Falconer Addresses Guelph-Humber Grads

In 2014, Julian Falconer addressed graduates at the University of Guelph-Humber.  “In recognition of his devotion to the advocacy for human rights and public interest litigation, and for his significant impact on historic legal decisions, Julian Fa...

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November 30, 2010- G20 Policing: Adam Nobody

November 30, 2010- G20 Policing: Adam Nobody: In the wake of his arrest and beating by unknown Toronto Police Officers, lawyers Julian Falconer and Sunil Mathai have asked the S.I.U. to reopen its investigation of Mr. Nobody’s case following Chief B...

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November 22, 2010- Ashley Smith Lawsuit

November 22, 2010- Ashley Smith Lawsuit Smith family lawyer, Jackie Esmonde, brought a motion seeking access to the Crown criminal file used in the prosecution of the four guards who were charged in Ashley’s death. The Court ordered the Ministry of ...

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November 9, 2010- Schaeffer/Minty Police Case Notes

November 9, 2010- Schaeffer/Minty Police Notes Case Police lawyers are seeking over $90,000.00 in costs against the families who took the officers to court for their conduct during the S.I.U. investigations. Lawyers Julian Falconer and Asha James will be...

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