May 1, 2015 – LSUC Bencher Election Results

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“This is a very good day for those at the Law Society who have been pushing for governance reform. The reality of the limits on bencher terms, combined with a culturally diversified and energized new Bench means that real reform is on the horizon. What is apparent from the election results is that our members expect a Law Society committed to change.”
-Julian Falconer, LSUC Bencher
Toronto Outside Toronto
Minor, Janet E. * Evans, Robert F. (CE) *
Leiper, Janet Spurgeon, Andrew (CS) *
Anand, Raj Sharda, Raj (CW-CO) *
Schabas, Paul B. Beach, Peter (E) *
Falconer, Julian Braithwaite, Jack (NE) *
Bredt, Christopher Bickford, Fred J W (NW-NO) *
Nishikawa, Sandra Y. Donnelly, Teresa (SW-SO) *
Lem, Jeffrey W. McGrath, Susan T. (NE)
Goldblatt, Howard Horvat, Jacqueline A. (SW-SO)
Papageorgiou, Gina Corbiere, Dianne G. (CE)
Troister, Sidney H. Hartman, Carol (NE)
Galati, Rocco St. Lewis, Joanne (E)
McDowell, William C. Richer, Susan Armatage (E)
Groia, Joseph MacLean, M. Virginia (CW-CO)
Murchie, Barbara Lerner, Michael M. (SW-SO)
Mercer, Malcolm Earnshaw, Ross F. (CS)
Callaghan, John Cooper, Paul M. (CE)
Wardle, Peter C. Criger, Janis P. (CS)
Go, Avvy Yao-Yao Udell, Jerry B. (SW-SO)
Rosenthal, Jonathan M. Vespry, M. Anne (E)
*Regional Bencher