
Inquest Into the Deaths of Seven First Nations Youth: Update

The Inquest into the Deaths of Seven First Nations Youth continues this week in Thunder Bay.  Lawyers Julian Falconer, Julian Roy, and Meaghan Daniel, of Falconers LLP, are in attendance on behalf of Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN). Young people in Thunder B...

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Inquest into the Deaths of Seven First Nations Youth: Click Here For Updates

February 1, 2016 The Inquest into the deaths of seven First Nations youth continues in Thunder Bay, with the conclusion of testimony regarding the death of Jordan Wabasse, followed by Phase 2 of the inquest.  Phase 2 will include testimony from expert wi...

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Police Union Assailed for Same Old Same Old

A bad week for police should have the rank-and-file fuming  Toronto Star,  January 29, 2016 It has been a bad week for Toronto Police.  On Monday of this week, Cst. James Forcillo was convicted of attempted murder in the shooting of Sammy Yatim on a T...

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Jury Finds Officer Guilty of Attempted Murder in Yatim Shooting Death

Today, the jury delivered a guilty verdict in the trial of James Forcillo in the death of Sammy Yatim.  Forcillo was found guilty of attempted murder, and not guilty of  second degree murder or manslaughter.  Sammy was shot eight times by Constable ...

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Adam Nobody Appeals Andalib-Goortani Penalty

On behalf of Adam Nobody, lawyers Julian Falconer and Marc Gibson from Falconers LLP have filed a request for leave to appeal the penalty imposed in disciplinary proceedings against Cst. Babak Andalib-Goortani of the Toronto Police Service.  The officer ...

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CSC Leadership Identified as Obstacle to Reform of Solitary Confinement in Federal Prisons

In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Julian Falconer, lawyer for the Smith family, identified CSC as part of the problem when it comes to the implementation of recommendations from the Inquest into Ashley Smith’s death, stating, “The presence...

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Truth and Reconciliation Commission Issues Final Report

Today, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission releases its final report in Ottawa.  Falconers LLP has represented the TRC in respect of a series of document production cases before the Ontario Courts.  Lawyers Julian Falconer, Julian Roy, and Meaghan D...

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Toronto District School Board

There is a culture of fear at the Toronto District School Board that is pervasive at the Trustee, Management and Staff levels and seriously hampers the implementation of helpful and important change that could protect our kids. Extract of recommendations ...

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December 7 & 8: Debwewin First Nation Jury Review Committee Meeting

The Debwewin First Nation Jury Review Committee meets in Toronto December 7 & 8. The First Nation Jury Review Committee was one of the key recommendations from Justice Iacobucci’s report, First Nations Representation on Ontario Juries.  There are 1...

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Privacy Rights of Criminal Suspects and the Police: Law Times article

Julian Roy, of Falconers LLP, was interviewed on November 30, 2015 for an article in Law Times.  The article examines the privacy rights of criminal suspects and the clash of those rights with police swabs and searches. Click here to read the Law Times a...

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Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

On Thursday, November 26, 2015, Julian Falconer and Julian Roy of Falconers LLP will be appearing on behalf of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada before Mr. Justice Perell of the Superior Court of Justice.  The Commission is seeking an or...

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Kokopenace: A Case of Mistaken Identity

Julian Falconer publishes commentary on the SCC decision in R v. Kokopenace. Click here to read “The Kokopenace Judgment: A Case of Mistaken Identity”, Julian Falconer’s article in For the Defence, the Criminal Lawyers’ Association...

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