Suaad Hagi Mohamud is a Canadian mother who was travelling abroad and was detained in Kenya for three months following a passport investigation by the Canadian government. Ms. Mohamud was subsequently permitted to leave Kenya when it was determined by the Canadian Immigration Court that she was the rightful owner of her passport. Falconers LLP represented Suaad Mohamud in her civil suit against the Canadian government. In August of 2012, the matter was settled to the satisfaction of ...
Read moreAshley Smith was a 19 year old who died in custody at Grand Valley Federal Institution in Kitchener, Ontario. The conditions of Ashley’s detention were deplorable and dehumanizing. Julian Falconer, Julian Roy, Asha James, and Meaghan Daniel of Falconers LLP represented the Smith Family in their lawsuit against the Canadian government and others, seeking to hold those individuals responsible for Ashley’s preventable death accountable. Read about the Inquest here. Related Documents Civil Actio...
Read more- Our TeamJulian N. Falconer
Julian Falconer of Falconers LLP represented the Schaeffer and Minty families in an Application against police officers involved in the death of their family members. The Application sought judicial interpretation of various provisions of the Police Services Act to determine whether the conduct of the involved police officers was consistent with the Police Services Act and the regulations passed pursuant to the Act. The Notice of Appeal from the ruling of the Divisional Court was filed with the ...
Read more- Our TeamJulian N. Falconer
Julian Falconer and Julian Roy, of Falconers LLP, represented Wayne Penner, who was arrested for causing a disturbance during a trial. He filed a police complaint with the Police Services Board, alleging police misconduct, unlawful arrest and use of unnecessary force. The hearing officer found that the arrest was lawful and no unnecessary force was used. The Civilian Commission on Police Services overturned the hearing officer’s decision because he had failed to determine whether the arre...
Read more- Our TeamAsha James
On April 22, 2010, Dr. Tyceer Abouhassan was in the parking lot of the Jackson Park Medical Centre in Windsor, Ontario, when he was approached by a plain clothes officer with the Windsor Police Service, Detective David Van Buskirk. Without provocation, Detective Van Buskirk punched Dr. Abouhassan repeatedly in the head and the face until Dr. Abouhassan lost consciousness and fell to the ground. At no time did Dr. Abouhassan strike Detective Van Buskirk. Dr. Abouhassan was transferred to Hôtel D...
Read more- Our TeamJulian N. Falconer
Lawyers Julian Falconer and Julian Roy from Falconers LLP represented Maher Arar and his family in his lawsuit against the Canadian government following his illegal rendition to and torture in Syria. The case made Canadian legal history when it became the largest human rights settlement allotted to an individual plaintiff. Maher Arar was detained in September of 2002 on his way to Canada from a vacation in Tunis. He was held without charges in solitary confinement in the United States for tw...
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