Chief Jim Leonard Of Rainy River First Nations: Things Are Not Fine In Thunder Bay

Following Chief Jim Leonard’s letter to the editor featured by The Chronicle Journal on September 30, 2016, Julian Falconer of Falconers LLP, appeared on CTV – Your Morning. Falconer discussed the DeBungee case, and other incidents that have contributed to the growing belief amongst Indigenous residents that they are not receiving equal treatment from law enforcement officials.
In The News
Letter to the TBPS and TBPSB regarding systemic discrimination and racism OHRC, October 27, 2016
An open letter to the ‘good cops’ of Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal, October 18, 2016
Independent Police Oversight Review to Hold Public Consultation in Ottawa The Province, October 17, 2016
Racism is misunderstood in letters, conversations about the Thunder Bay The Chronicle Journal, October 8, 2016
Police oversight questioned at Sudbury hearing Sudbury News October 12, 2016
Well spoken, long overdue – Chronicle Journal Letters To Editor The Chronicle Journal October 11, 2016
‘Sharp contrast’ between racism complaints in Ottawa and Thunder Bay police CBC, October 6, 2016
Thunder Bay officer suspended as watchdog asked to probe alleged racist Facebook post Toronto Star, October 5, 2016
New Deputy Chief of Police TBPS, October 5, 2016
Thunder Bay police officer suspended over allegedly making racist comments on Indigenous people National News, October 5, 2016
One officer suspended, 4 reassigned in investigation of Facebook posts Chronicle Journal, October 5, 2016
Police Services Act Investigation Update TBPS, October 5, 2016
Anti-Racism Directorate Ministry of Ontario, October 5, 2016
Police in Thunder Bay facing accusations of ‘systemic’ racism CTV, October 4, 2016
Police bashing rhetoric has to stop The Chronicle Journal, October 4, 2016
Ontario review puts police oversight groups under scrutiny CBC, October 3, 2016
Chief Leonard Speaks Out
On September 30, 2016 Chief Leonard denounced the Mayor’s efforts to blame Thunder Bay Police Service issues on Falconers LLP. In a letter to the editor featured by the Chronicle Journal Chief Leonard stated that: “It is disrespectful and patronizing to cast off the experience and concerns of Indigenous people by saying that they are just being manipulated by their lawyers”. Meanwhile, the Thunder Bay Professional Standards bureau has announced an investigation into the racist Facebook posting by Thunder Bay Police Service Constable Rob Steudle.
Chief Jim Leonard Speaks Out The Chronicle Journal, September 30, 2016
Thunder Bay police investigate officers’ alleged racist Facebook comments The Globe and Mail, September 29, 2016
Lawyers, media driving wedge between city and Indigenous people: Mayor TBNewsWatch, September 27, 2016
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Facebook comment adds to Thunder Bay’s battle with racism Toronto Star, September 30, 2016
Thunder Bay police officer’s Facebook post prompts professional standards investigation CBC, September 30, 2016
Dear police: keep posting racist remarks to highlight systemic issues National News, September 30, 2016
Woman brings complaint against Thunder Bay police after disparaging comments about Indigenous people National News, September 30, 2016
Thunder Bay police investigate Facebook comments deemed ‘not acceptable CBC, September 29, 2016
TBPS Professional Standards Investigation Thunder Bay Police Service, September 29, 2016
Nishnawbe Aski Legal Services gives feedback to police oversight review CBC, September 29, 2016
Crime generally going down; Some lawyers hurting city’s cohesive efforts: Mayor The Chronicle Journal, September 27, 2016
Canadian police must acknowledge racial bias to fix it CBC, September 25, 2016