Future Lawyers: Be the Change Conference 2021

On July 10th, Julian Falconer delivered a keynote presentation at the virtual conference of Future Lawyers Toronto. Future Lawyers is a non-profit organization that hosts events to provide youth with an inspiring, valuable opportunity to gain a clear understanding of what it takes to have a successful future career in law.
Julian spoke about various legal matters where Falconers LLP has provided advocacy for First Nations in Ontario, including: the current lawsuit with Iskatewizaagegan #39 Independent First Nation (water taking by Winnipeg), the Choose Life initiative in Nishnawbe Aski Nation, recent developments in First Nations policing, and the devaluing of Indigenous lives in Thunder Bay at the hands of police.
Julian answered questions from the engaged audience, including about: how the profession of law is changing, the firm’s work in the Toronto G20 summit protests, and what a day in the life of a lawyer in this intense field looks like.
Julian ended with a message to the audience – the work at Falconers is often difficult, but it is immensely fulfilling. The future generation of lawyers can make what they want out of the profession; he encouraged them to fight for the people who need help the most.
Falconers LLP was proud to present a long history of meaningful work as well as a hopeful message to the future lawyers in Ontario, Canada, and throughout the world. Thank you to the organizers of the Future Lawyers Be the Change Conference!
Link to conference:
Conference Materials: