NAPS Service on the Brink – Government Inaction to Blame
NAN and NAPS political and police leadership all expressed their concerns and support for officers in respect of the ongoing employment issues experienced by NAPS Officers. Lawyer Julian Falconer is legal counsel advising NAN and NAPS.
Grand Chief Fiddler stated, “It would be be flagrantly disrespectful to the officers who have struggled for decades in dangerous, and embarrassingly inferior working conditions for a fraction of the salaries made by similarly trained and experienced officers elsewhere in Ontario.”
“NAPS officers make 18 per cent less than other Canadian police officers with comparable skills and training”, says Nishnawbe Aski Nation lawyer Julian Falconer, and “patrol a region where the crime rate is five times the national average.”
In The News
Ontario First Nations threaten to disband police service over funding issues The Globe and Mail, July 22, 2016