Thunder Bay Police Constable, Steudle, Linked to Racist Facebook Comments, Charged with Discreditable Conduct

On September 17, 2016, Thunder Bay Police Constable, Rob Steudle, posted racist comments on Facebook that “Natives are killing Natives,” which was posted in response to a letter to the editor of the local paper from Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief, Alvin Fiddler.
Today, Tbnewswatch reports, Steudle was suspended with pay after the racist comments were allegedly made, and has been charged with discreditable conduct under the Ontario Police Services Act. The constable was served notice of the charge on October 18, 2017, following completion of the OIPRD investigation, and his case is scheduled to start Friday, November 3, 2017, with a first appearance.
The Grand Chief stated in his editorial, “the only thing worse than the conduct of Thunder Bay Police officers as reported by the CBC is the attempt by the police, and this newspaper, to justify it.”
At the time of the Constable’s initial suspension on September 30, 2016, the Toronto Star also reported that the editorial concerned a female trainer who was providing anti-racism training to the police. The local CBC station had reported that the trainer was verbally abused during training sessions with the officers. However, the police and the city administrator in charge of the training argued the incident was misunderstood and blown out of proportion.
In the News
Officer linked to Facebook posting charged with discreditable conduct tbnewswatch, November 1, 2017
Facebook comment adds to Thunder Bay’s battle with racism Toronto Star, September 30, 2016.
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