Pending Aboriginal Policing Legislation Topic of Presentation at National Policing Conference
July 13, 2017: Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service (“NAPS”) Chair, Mike Metatawabin, and Chief of Police, Terry Armstrong, were joined on a panel by Julian Falconer, who acts as legal counsel for Nishanwbe Aski Nation (“NAN”) and NAPS in the negotiation of the ground breaking Aboriginal policing legislation that is expected to be introduced in the Ontario Legislature this fall.
The group presented on the work of the Adequacy Standards Table (“AST”) to a national audience at the Canadian Association of Police Governance’s (“CAPG”) 112th annual conference. Falconers LLP is honoured to be part of the negotiating team at the AST.
The AST is an initiative to amend the Police Services Act (“PSA”) to include First Nation policing, and intended to provide First Nation residents with the same standard of police services as off-Reserve communities across Ontario. It also represents a collaborative partnership between the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, NAN, and NAPS, to achieve the goal of enhancing quality and sustainability of First Nation policing in NAN communities.
Additionally, the importance of safety and policing backed by rule of law to ensure funding through legislation and equitable levels of police services. This would entail the same legal status as municipal police forces and police officers, statutory remedy for inadequate funding or services, and increased community safety.
Related Documents
First Nation Conference Program Agenda July 13, 2017