Jury Finds Four Deaths Still a Mystery- Proposes Major Reform in the Education and Care of First Nation Youth
Today, after hearing more than 7 months of testimony from approximately 150 witnesses, the jury delivered its verdict and 145 recommendations at the Inquest into the deaths of seven First Nations youth who died while attending school in Thunder Bay. The Jury’s verdict that four of the seven deaths were undetermined is significant. Lawyer Julian Falconer told reporters that, “‘Undetermined’ in respect of three of five of the drowning deaths sends a clear message that the police investigations were deeply flawed… Consequently, tragically, there is no way to rule out that these kids were deliberately killed.”
Lawyers Julian Falconer and Meaghan Daniel represented Nishnawbe Aski Nation, a First Nations government, throughout the eight month Inquest.
Key amongst the 145 recommendations were those directed at Canada to build and fund a preschool, elementary school, and high school in every Reserve community in NAN territory, and to create a Federal advocate for First Nations children and youth to monitor government progress towards equity for First Nations children.
Click Here to Read Jury Verdict and Recommendations
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