National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
NAPS Detective Constable Alana Morrison to testify on Day 3: Regina, SK.
Wednesday, June 27 2018: On behalf of Treaty Alliance Northern Ontario- Nishnawbe Aski Nation/Grand Council Treaty 3, Falconers LLP lawyer, Krystyn Ordyniec, will be doing a direct examination of the witness Alana Morrison, Detective Constable of NAPS at 10:30 a.m. CST or 1:00 EST.
Det.Cst. Morrison has been in First Nation Policing for over sixteen (16) years, with approximately 11 years as a plain clothes detective specializing in child sexual offences. She was recently awarded with the Ontario Women in Law Enforcement’s prestigious Law Enforcement Professional of the Year award. Over the span of her years of policing, she has interviewed over 700 victims and at the Inquiry she will be specifically speaking about the Survivor Assistance Support Program developed by her and Deputy Chief Morrison of NAPS. The program is designed to make immediate contact with any victim/survivor of a sexual/domestic assault and provide information on their case, provide immediate referrals as needed, and to check the overall well-being of the complainant.
In response to calls for action from Indigenous families, communities and organizations, as well as non-governmental and international organizations, the Government of Canada launched an entirely independent National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in September 2016. The Commissioners’ mandate is to examine and report on the systemic causes of all forms of violence against Indigenous women and girls and 2SLGBTQ individuals in Canada by looking at patterns and underlying factors, as per the MMIWG website.
This week, the Inquiry will be sitting in Regina, Saskatchewan, and will hear evidence from various experts and knowledge keepers. Falconers LLP serves as legal counsel for Treaty Alliance Northern Ontario, lawyers Krystyn Ordyniec, and Elysia Petrone-Reitberger are in attendance.
To watch the live-stream of the National Inquiry click here.