Posted by Shelby Percival
- Posted in BlogsNews
With the support of its partner RAVEN (see raventrust.com/campaigns/neskantaga/), Neskantaga First Nation has filed an application in the Superior Court of Ontario with respect to the consultations framework of the provincial Environmental Assessment Act (EAA). The EAA, which fails to make any provision for Indigenous peoples and their consultation processes, has created an unworkable landscape for environmental assessments, posing a direct threat to Aboriginal, Treaty, and inherent rights.
For more on this application, including comment from Neskantaga First Nation Chief Wayne Moonias and legal counsel Julian Falconer, please see attached:
- Press Release (November 26, 2021);
- Notice of Application, Court No. CV-21-00672552-0000, issued November 23, 2021.
Donate Now to Neskantaga’s Legal Fund!
RAVEN, a not-for-profit supporting access to justice for Indigenous communities, has launched a campaign to help raise legal funds for Neskantaga. Click here to donate: https://raventrust.com/campaigns/neskantaga/
Media – for press coverage about this Court Application, see:
Mike Crawley, (November 9, 2021), “Doug Ford’s hopes for Ontario’s electric vehicle industry hinge on mining its Ring of Fire“, CBC News.
Northern Ontario Business (November 25, 2021), “Neskantaga Taking Province to Court Over Lack of Consultations on Ring of Fire Mine Road“, Northern Ontario Business
James Murray (November 26, 2021), “Neskantaga Taking Ontario to Court Over Ring of Fire Consultation Process“, Net News Ledger
Northern Ontario Business (November 30, 2021), “Three James Bay Chiefs jump on Premier over Ring of Fire Remarks”, Northern Ontario Business
Tanya Talaga (December 3, 2021), “In Northern Ontario, Governments Engage in a Two-Faced Climate Change Response“, The Globe and Mail.
Michelle Karlenzig (December 4, 2021), “Neskantaga First Nation sues Ontario for failing to consult on Ring of Fire development”, APTN News.
Alex Ballingall (December 5, 2021), “This federal minister says it’s time to give land back to Indigenous peoples. What could that look like?”, The Toronto Star.
Niall McGee and Jeff Gray (December 8, 2021), “Ontario renews push to develop stalled Ring of Fire, but Indigenous opposition mounts”, The Globe and Mail.
Canadaland Podcast, Ep. #736: “Diversity In Indigenous Opinions” (Dec. 9, 2021). At the 23m:55s mark, co-hosts Ryan McMahon and Pam Palmater discuss the Ring of Fire and Neskantaga’s recent court Application.
Gabriel Friedman, (January 14, 2022), “Confusing, convoluted mess: Ring of Fire Set for Speedy Development under New Owner but Challenges Loom”, Financial Post